Tuesday, August 30, 2011

allow me to introduce..

Here are the main characters in my little life...

LIAM GERRIT: Age 2yrs 2ms

This little boy is all boy! He has quite the imagination and NEVER sits still!
His likes: any kind of belt..(he'll strap them and buckle them onto anything!), getting naked and swimming in his kiddie pool, playing in uncle d's room, going fishing with daddy, tractors, boats, airplanes, any kind of animal, singing songs with mommy, reading books, going for walks with the family, going to bed at 8pm, sleeping in until 9am, his little brother.


Sawyer is our little chubster. He weighs 24lbs (Liam weighs 29!) and quickly grows into Liam's old clothes. He's got eight teeth now and would love it if mommy held him ALL day long!
His likes: FOOD..he likes pretty much everything he has tried, watching Liam play, sitting outside on the deck, cuddles with mommy, playing with daddy, car rides, watching the dog, going to bed at 8pm, waking up at 6:30-7am.

love his squishable cheeks!

liam has the best squinty faced smile!

They love each other...

...I guess Sawyer can only handle so much love.

                                           Sarah: Age 26
This is me of course..

I had to crop a baby's head out of the pic..so it looks a little funny..:)
I am a stay at home mommy and I am so thankful for that! This is a busy time of life for me..but I am starting to realize how fast these years are going to fly by.. and  how precious this time is! I love my job!!
My likes: my amazing hubby, my adorable little boys, spending family time with all three of the men in my life, photography (trying to get better at it), decorating, thrift-shopping, the boys nap time, fashion, orchids, kissing, going for walks, working out (don't have much time for that at the moment though), cuddling on the couch with my man, and organizing things.

Tim: Age 32
This is my husband of course..saving the best for last..:)

isn't he handsome!!!?
Tim recently changed careers. He was working as a police officer for 8 years and has made the big move to becoming a financial adviser! It's a lot of hard work changing careers..but Tim is amazing and we know it will start getting easier soon..(we hope! :) ). Tim is an awesome daddy..Liam idolizes him and LOVES spending as much time as possible with him! He is a pretty amazing husband too! I love him!
His likes: his family and spending as much time as possible with them, gardening, fishing, helping people, building things, designing future projects, being a daddy..he was born for this job!, he is the master of barbecuing, he likes sipping wine or a cold beer at the end of the day, talking with me about building our dream house, and going on dates with me!

We like to be goofy and see who can make the most chins...

...but most of all we love each other and are so thankful for this beautiful life God has blessed us with!!
And that is a little taste of my beautiful family.....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

potty training

This July we decided that we were going to give the whole potty-training thing a try.. I must say I was prepared for disaster!  I've heard the craziest stories..like kids that will go #2 anywhere (like the neighbors lawn or behind the couch..) but they refuse to go in the toilet.  I was sure Liam had some crazy ideas up his sleeve! 

This is the look he gave us when we said "no more diapers!"

But sometimes I am happily surprised and this was one of those times.  It took a total of one week and maybe half a dozen accidents and he was hooked on the whole big boy "ummwear" (underwear).  That's right! Be jealous! Oh fine, I must admit..he did have an accident involving the deck.. but I think it freaked him out more than me. :)

so excited to show off his skills!

A couple of weeks ago we Tim decided that Liam could wear underwear to bed.  Of course I was thinking of every possible bad thing that could happen and again it was proven that I worry too much.  Liam has done great and has stayed dry every night!

he can even do it with eyes closed!! that's my boy!
 Yay Liam! Mama is so proud of you and is amazed at how you're growing and changing all the time. My little boy is not so little anymore...

Monday, August 22, 2011

I am Sarah..and I don't lurk.

So...here goes my first EVER post!! I know I know..everyone and their dog has a blog nowadays..but I was kinda enjoying my "lurking" status.  That is what it's called right?  Ya know..when you just stalk everyone else..and they have no clue.  Well I am officially putting myself out there!  And I am officially going to stop er.. try to stop lurking.  Wait..does that mean everyone else has the chance to "lurk" me now?.....