Tuesday, December 6, 2011

cookie time!

A couple months ago Liam helped me do some baking! He's my little buddy..and he likes my cookies! What more could you ask for!

 Checking out the cookie dough..

 Show that beater who's boss!

 Soo excited.. and sugared up!

 Gotta make sure you're comfy if you're gonna slave away in the kitchen!

This was before Sawyer was walking... He likes to follow mama all over the kitchen and drool on her feet.

 Wouldn't be right unless you got your face completely sticky..and spent 10 mins licking off the beaters..

Gotta keep this happy monkey distracted..

Now the real test...

...and mama gets a thumbs up! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

time to pretend...

Liam is at a great age. He is such a goof! He is so much fun and has a crazy imagination. He remembers so many things and copies everything...it can be a bad thing..lol. But most of the time it just gives us a good laugh. :) I don't want to forget some of these things.. and maybe on his wedding day they could come in handy!

-He's been either putting on Tim's shoes or grabbing something that has handles (I guess he thinks its a purse?) and telling me "Bye mom. Going bye-bye ta work. See ya yater." Then he usually will go out the back door and "drive" his trike around for awhile.

-He has been wanting to learn the alphabet lately..so I go over it with him quite often. He's doing great..but EVERY time we get to the "p" (no matter how much I correct him) he says "peanut butter"! Lol! So it goes "lmnopeanutbutterqrstuv". Ha! Don't know where he comes up with this stuff!

-He likes to pretend that he's "Fawing in da water mom..need hep!!" He gets very dramatic with that one. Ha!

-Ever since daddy took him fishing everything that remotely (or not) looks like a fishing pole magically has become one. He pretends the rug in our livingroom is "the water" and will go fishing. He'll reel it in and then say "Mom, look at the big fish! It's a salmon!!" and I'll say.."Wow! How big is it??" and he spreads his arms real wide "That big mom! A lot big!".

It's so exciting to see his little BIG personality grow! Thanks for making me laugh every single day Liam!!!